Thursday, October 13, 2016

Yesterday, out in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, the humpback whales were spouting, splashing, and slapping their tails as they fed in the nutrient-rich waters. We encountered several associations of whales and at least one calf. I'd go out again in a heartbeat. It was awesome!

The calf is in the foreground.

I've been working on a couple of articles for the February and March issues of MUSE. I also delved deeper into social media with new accounts on Instagram and Vine. In early November, I'm looking forward to the Falling Leaves Writing Retreat on the shore of Lake George. Last year, I learned a lot from the top-notch presentations at this retreat.
Humpbacks don't often lift their heads out of the water like this one.
Coarse hairs on the baleen plates in their mouths filter food. They felt like plastic broom bristles.