Thursday, August 20, 2009

I posted photographs of today's visit to the new CT Science Center in Hartford. Each floor has a view of the Connecticut River. Most of the museum contains hands-on science exhibits that are quite elaborate. I thought about the layout and wondered if it was planned that the top floor contained the climate change exhibit so that when you leave that is what lingers on your mind.

The 3D movie with new satellite images of the sun was fascinating. The space suit is a replica of the first space suit. I'm pleased that my photograph shows how successful our marble track was. I clapped when the marble completed its journey!

I was really interested in this mud core exhibit in the first photograph. The viewer slides over any spot on the mud core. I clicked on CO2 and the red line shows how much CO2 there was at that time in history.

There were a lot of sophisticated free play areas, exhibits where you could race things (sailboats, cars) and slow motion videos to record. Cool stuff. I'd definitely go again.

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