Before I write, I spend a lot of time watching and rewatching videos of whatever I'm writing about. This morning, I hit the pause and play button repeatedly, took notes, jotted down descriptions and transcribed quotes. I found some great quotes.
Thank you Denise for nominating this blog for the "One Lovely Blog Award." That was a nice surprise (see comment 2 posts before this one).
These photographs were taken on a hike with my brother in Macedonia Brook State Park. As you can see in one photograph, the blue-marked trail went down a very steep rocky face. I had to laugh when Dom said, "I CAN'T believe they made the trail down this way." Naturally there was ice in the crack in the rocks. At one point I took out the map to check where we were, only to realize the map had fallen out of my back pocket. Stellar. Good thing I wasn't carrying the keys! Little did I realize, a hitchhiker made it all the way home with me. It wasn't until the following day that I discovered that the sore in my side was actually a dog tick burrowed in my skin. It's been a week and there is still a wound from that ugly beast, who was flushed for exceptionally rotten behavior--and I mean rotten. I AM NOT TICK FOOD, DO YOU HEAR!