Friday, August 20, 2010

Harkness Memorial State Park, Waterford - part 1

Today, I spent the day with my mother on the coast of Connecticut. We stopped at Harkness Memorial State Park in Waterford. Although I've been there before, I've never really explored the place.  I never walked the trails or toured the mansion. The top photograph was taken at the start of the Dr. William Niering Nature Preserve. As I strolled along the path, I spotted tiny piping plovers and least terns ambling along a sandbar.  Great egrets were fishing in knee-deep water. An osprey nest looked like a mess plopped on a pole. One of these days, I will return and explore what I missed.

I'm looking forward to putting the proposal in the mail soon. Also, I hope in the near future, I can polish off the last piece of the article that I've been working on. Fingers crossed.

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