Thursday, October 9, 2008

In a sick kind of way, I'm excited about the half marathon this Saturday. I had three good runs this week - one long, one hilly, and one fast (for me). I was chased by a large dog running at top speed. I ran like a frisbee.

Today, on the trail, I thought about perseverance. It's necessary in running and necessary in writing. Did running track in high school teach me perseverance or was I born that way? I couldn't come up with any good example of perseverance before my running days so I tend to believe that distance running fostered my perseverance. I still remember the first 2 mile race I was in. My elbows swung out too far and according to those watching, I was tripped. I got up dazed, with blood dripping down my knee. I was dismayed to see all the other runners halfway around the track. I made a fast decision, got moving and finished the race. I did the best I could do given the circumstances. And so it goes with writing.

I know I've worked my "tenacity" off to get here. At the end of the race you can find me either on a stretcher or in the bear garden (no, that's not black bear).

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