Saturday, January 3, 2009

I was surprised today while browsing the SCBWI Bulletin online. I came across my name announcing the July 2008 publication of "What good is the Big Bad Wolf?" in Highlights. But I thought the writer submitted their own announcements. I didn't tell them. Just because everyone else is doin' it, doesn't necessarily mean I think it's good for me. I guess for me, it seems like bragging, so I don't bother. Is this a test to see if I read the thing? OK, fess up, who did it?

After all these years, I am still learning - and doing things wrong. I know, it's hard to believe, but I'm afraid it's true. Today I was working on a short biography. I am embarrassed to say that I was pretty clueless. In fact, I looked at all my old stuff and found that I did a better job at a bio back in 2006 (but it was still pretty lousy). I am SO glad I looked up how to write these babies. Anyhow, I added a "how to write a short bio" link to my writers links in case I have a bout of ugh ugh ......what was it called?

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